Customer story

Teads Improves Client KPIs with AI-Optimized Video & Uses Neurons AI to Secure Recurring Deals and Win New Businesses

“With Neurons AI, we get to talk big-picture strategy with clients, which really helps strengthen those relationships and grow the business," shared Simon Keller, Sales Director.

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Media & Advertising

“With Neurons AI, we get to talk big-picture strategy with clients, which really helps strengthen those relationships and grow the business."

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Teads used Neurons AI to help their client optimize existing video assets for a multi-channel campaign, boosting:

  • Brand Awareness by 64%
  • Brand Linkage* by 47%
  • Ad Recall by 29%

Neurons AI gave the team case-specific, data-driven editing recommendations—such as scene adjustments and simplified visuals—that directly improved engagement and campaign performance.

These insights helped Teads align all stakeholders on creative decisions more effectively. The AI tool’s capabilities continue to help Teads retain clients and attract new business.

* when a customer connects an ad's offer to a specific brand

The Client: Teads (Media Platform)

Teads is a global media platform specializing in premium advertising solutions. Working with Konnex, a Swiss media agency, Teads was tasked with helping 4B, a window and façade manufacturer, create an impactful multi-channel campaign.

The Challenge: Optimizing Video Campaigns for Brand Awareness & Lead Generation

Agency client 4B needed to maximize brand awareness and lead generation but faced a major constraint: they could only work with existing video assets. There was no time for new creative production. Teads’ task was to coordinate with key stakeholders and optimize these raw materials to work across digital platforms and adapt it for TV in both German- and French-speaking Switzerland.

The Solution: Getting Pre-Launch Performance Data & Editing Recommendations with AI

4B participated in Teads l'Atelier creative sessions, a collaborative process designed to fine-tune creative materials, including sessions focused on Neurons AI analyses. During these sessions, Neurons AI analyzed 4B's raw video content, providing predictive insights on how different scenes would perform across platforms. Plus, the tool gave the teams practical editing suggestions, that made collaboration much more productive from the start.

Lara Schoettel, Creative Strategist at Teads, described the experience: “We had the creative materials in a raw state. So we ran the first Neurons test on this raw material, which was amazing because it gave us so many opportunities to make improvements early on.” This approach allowed 4B to optimize content without costly new production.

Neurons offered concrete, actionable insights, like scene-switching recommendations, improvements to attention KPIs, and guidance on simplifying cognitive load for viewers. “Adding our expertise into the mix, we could just give 4B a to-do list of exactly what to change,” says Lara. These recommendations were then passed on to 4B’s creative agency, which made the necessary adaptations.

Neurons didn’t just help with digital ads but also influenced TV commercials. “The best part is that the same optimized content ended up running and working on TV as well,” Lara adds. “We’re super proud of this!” This cross-channel impact was a key benefit for 4B.

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creatives that work?

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Creative Enhancements to Meet KPIs

Using Teads l’Atelier’s co-creation workshops, the Neurons AI-powered analysis was shared with 4B, their media agency Konnex, and the creative team. The iterative feedback loops between the teams allowed for continuous improvements.

Lara mentions, “It was really important that the creative agency was involved directly. They were already working with the material, so having them at the table made it much easier to implement the changes we recommended.”

The process was collaborative, with Konnex managing the media strategy, 4B setting campaign goals, and Teads leading the creative optimization using Neurons AI. Simon Keller, Sales Director at Teads, notes that the tool “elevates the discussion beyond just running campaigns. It’s giving clients real insight into their creative strategies.”

Non-enriched original video with Neurons AI attention heatmap.

Based on the Neurons AI analysis, the creative setup was then developed during Teads l’Atelier sessions. The campaign assets consisted of various mobile-optimized assets as a dynamic hybrid solution of display and video ads. The campaign addressed all funnel objectives - from awareness and consideration to performance and lead generation.

Key learnings and suggestions from Neurons AI included:

  • Adding a start card featuring the client’s logo.
  • Changing scenes for better and faster comprehension.
  • Removing clutter and elements that didn’t receive any attention.
  • Removing the URL in the top-right corner, as it was not noticed.
  • Adding captions in key scenes for sound-off optimization.
  • Including an end card with the logo and a clear CTA.

Optimized video with attention heatmap. The optimized version was based on Neurons AI Recommendations and saw +64% brand awareness, +47% brand linkage and +29% ad recall compared to the non-enriched version.

AI-Optimized Campaign: +64% Brand Awareness, +47% Brand Linkage, +29% Ad Recall

Teads ran a brand lift study around the three different video formats created for the campaign. These formats were tested to compare their performance across key marketing KPIs. The three versions were:

  1. TC1 – Non-Enriched Original Video: This was the baseline version, without any optimization.
  2. TC2 – Optimized Video Landscape: The landscape format was optimized using Neurons AI insights, improving focus, attention, and visual clarity.
  3. TC3 – Optimized Video Square: The same optimized content in square format outperformed the two versions, offering the best results in terms of brand awareness, ad recall, and brand linkage. It included optimized elements like logos, captions, and better scene transitions for greater engagement.

The optimized video ads were tested and compared live, in context.

Teads’ adjustments and strategy delivered measurable results:

  • +64% Brand Awareness: Optimized video content outperformed the non-enriched format, particularly with the square video format showing the best results.
  • +29% Ad Recall: Viewers remembered the optimized video ads more effectively especially the square format, which also enhanced +47% Brand Linkage.

Engagement metrics:

  • +24% for eye-catching
  • +18% for standing out
  • +16% for premium look

The optimized versions improved upper and middle-funnel metrics, including brand awareness, brand opinion, and engagement. Both optimized formats (landscape and square) contributed to increases in KPIs like originality, informative content, and visual appeal.

Key creative adjustments—like removing underperforming elements (e.g., energy labels and URLs) and adding logos and captions—further improved content effectiveness across platforms, including TV, marking a first for 4B’s campaigns.

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creatives that work?

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Teads’ Neurons AI-powered creative adjustments also led to 4B's digital ads being adapted for TV, a first in their campaigns. “It’s usually the other way around—you start with TV and then adapt to digital. This time, we flipped the script,” Lara recalls.

Simon emphasizes, “Having proof that our Neurons-optimized versions perform better than the original makes all the difference. Clients are impressed, and it’s not just a gut feeling anymore but backed by data.”

Neurons AI Helps Retain Clients & Brings in New Business

Teads’ partnership with Konnex and 4B during l’Atelier sessions, supported by Neurons AI, delivered exceptional results by optimizing existing creative content for maximum impact across multiple channels. Neurons AI recommendations didn’t just help improve the creatives but they also elevated client conversations.

"What I love about Neurons is that it lets us go beyond just managing campaigns,” shared Simon. “We get to talk big-picture strategy with clients, which really helps strengthen those relationships and grow the business. We have clients that are asking for Neurons analyses for every campaign."

Lara highlights, "It's super helpful to finally prove points we've been making for ages—things we've always told clients, like, 'trust us, the logo placement matters.' But now with Neurons, we’ve actually got data to back it up and can present recommendations to clients before final creative decisions are made. Having that kind of proof makes a huge difference, and clients love it. It gives them this 'wow' moment, especially the first time they see it at our l’Atelier sessions.”

As 4B continues to expand its campaigns, they plan to leverage Neurons’ insights in future projects. Simon adds, “With Neurons, we can have more strategic conversations with clients and gain more business by proving that what we do works. It’s a win-win.”

Neurons AI for Video Production

Creating video content isn’t always a smooth ride. There’s usually some scrambling, tight deadlines, or last-minute changes. But that’s where Neurons AI helps, especially during concept development and post-production.

Take the Teads campaign with Konnex and 4B for example: they had to work with existing footage, and Neurons AI helped refine things by analyzing scene cuts, attention spans, and complexity. It’s like having an extra pair of eyes to say, “Hey, this part isn’t grabbing attention—switch it up!”

Neurons AI is extremely useful for optimizing video content, especially during the Concept Development and Post-Production stages.

Besides early concept development stages, Neurons AI also helps during post-production. It helps with editing sequences, sound choices, and even visual effects. Whether it’s an ad for social media or TV, Neurons AI can show you how to get more engagement. You don’t always have the luxury to redo entire shoots, so having Neurons AI and helping agencies step in to say, “Here’s how to make this video better,” is invaluable for creative projects.

Even in big campaigns where brands spend heavily on video content, Neurons AI can make the final product resonate much better with viewers. It helps keep things attention-grabbing and focused, so your message doesn’t get lost.

Ready to improve videos
on the fly?

Book a demo

Improve Your Workflow and Client Relationships with Neurons AI

With Neurons, Lara and Simon’s teams are able to improve campaign performance, and build stronger client relationships but also retain clients and attract new business.

The use of Neurons adds a layer of credibility to their work, and clients are more likely to trust their recommendations. Plus, the ability to make data-driven decisions leads to better creative outputs and a more efficient workflow, allowing them to make optimizations early in the process and adapt quickly to different client needs.

See how Neurons AI can help your team optimize ad creation and performance. Book your demo today!

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September 24, 2024

Teads used Neurons AI to help their client optimize existing video assets for a multi-channel campaign, boosting:

  • Brand Awareness by 64%
  • Brand Linkage* by 47%
  • Ad Recall by 29%

Neurons AI gave the team case-specific, data-driven editing recommendations—such as scene adjustments and simplified visuals—that directly improved engagement and campaign performance.

These insights helped Teads align all stakeholders on creative decisions more effectively. The AI tool’s capabilities continue to help Teads retain clients and attract new business.

* when a customer connects an ad's offer to a specific brand

The Client: Teads (Media Platform)

Teads is a global media platform specializing in premium advertising solutions. Working with Konnex, a Swiss media agency, Teads was tasked with helping 4B, a window and façade manufacturer, create an impactful multi-channel campaign.

The Challenge: Optimizing Video Campaigns for Brand Awareness & Lead Generation

Agency client 4B needed to maximize brand awareness and lead generation but faced a major constraint: they could only work with existing video assets. There was no time for new creative production. Teads’ task was to coordinate with key stakeholders and optimize these raw materials to work across digital platforms and adapt it for TV in both German- and French-speaking Switzerland.

The Solution: Getting Pre-Launch Performance Data & Editing Recommendations with AI

4B participated in Teads l'Atelier creative sessions, a collaborative process designed to fine-tune creative materials, including sessions focused on Neurons AI analyses. During these sessions, Neurons AI analyzed 4B's raw video content, providing predictive insights on how different scenes would perform across platforms. Plus, the tool gave the teams practical editing suggestions, that made collaboration much more productive from the start.

Lara Schoettel, Creative Strategist at Teads, described the experience: “We had the creative materials in a raw state. So we ran the first Neurons test on this raw material, which was amazing because it gave us so many opportunities to make improvements early on.” This approach allowed 4B to optimize content without costly new production.

Neurons offered concrete, actionable insights, like scene-switching recommendations, improvements to attention KPIs, and guidance on simplifying cognitive load for viewers. “Adding our expertise into the mix, we could just give 4B a to-do list of exactly what to change,” says Lara. These recommendations were then passed on to 4B’s creative agency, which made the necessary adaptations.

Neurons didn’t just help with digital ads but also influenced TV commercials. “The best part is that the same optimized content ended up running and working on TV as well,” Lara adds. “We’re super proud of this!” This cross-channel impact was a key benefit for 4B.

Ready to drive revenue with
creatives that work?

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Creative Enhancements to Meet KPIs

Using Teads l’Atelier’s co-creation workshops, the Neurons AI-powered analysis was shared with 4B, their media agency Konnex, and the creative team. The iterative feedback loops between the teams allowed for continuous improvements.

Lara mentions, “It was really important that the creative agency was involved directly. They were already working with the material, so having them at the table made it much easier to implement the changes we recommended.”

The process was collaborative, with Konnex managing the media strategy, 4B setting campaign goals, and Teads leading the creative optimization using Neurons AI. Simon Keller, Sales Director at Teads, notes that the tool “elevates the discussion beyond just running campaigns. It’s giving clients real insight into their creative strategies.”

Non-enriched original video with Neurons AI attention heatmap.

Based on the Neurons AI analysis, the creative setup was then developed during Teads l’Atelier sessions. The campaign assets consisted of various mobile-optimized assets as a dynamic hybrid solution of display and video ads. The campaign addressed all funnel objectives - from awareness and consideration to performance and lead generation.

Key learnings and suggestions from Neurons AI included:

  • Adding a start card featuring the client’s logo.
  • Changing scenes for better and faster comprehension.
  • Removing clutter and elements that didn’t receive any attention.
  • Removing the URL in the top-right corner, as it was not noticed.
  • Adding captions in key scenes for sound-off optimization.
  • Including an end card with the logo and a clear CTA.

Optimized video with attention heatmap. The optimized version was based on Neurons AI Recommendations and saw +64% brand awareness, +47% brand linkage and +29% ad recall compared to the non-enriched version.

AI-Optimized Campaign: +64% Brand Awareness, +47% Brand Linkage, +29% Ad Recall

Teads ran a brand lift study around the three different video formats created for the campaign. These formats were tested to compare their performance across key marketing KPIs. The three versions were:

  1. TC1 – Non-Enriched Original Video: This was the baseline version, without any optimization.
  2. TC2 – Optimized Video Landscape: The landscape format was optimized using Neurons AI insights, improving focus, attention, and visual clarity.
  3. TC3 – Optimized Video Square: The same optimized content in square format outperformed the two versions, offering the best results in terms of brand awareness, ad recall, and brand linkage. It included optimized elements like logos, captions, and better scene transitions for greater engagement.

The optimized video ads were tested and compared live, in context.

Teads’ adjustments and strategy delivered measurable results:

  • +64% Brand Awareness: Optimized video content outperformed the non-enriched format, particularly with the square video format showing the best results.
  • +29% Ad Recall: Viewers remembered the optimized video ads more effectively especially the square format, which also enhanced +47% Brand Linkage.

Engagement metrics:

  • +24% for eye-catching
  • +18% for standing out
  • +16% for premium look

The optimized versions improved upper and middle-funnel metrics, including brand awareness, brand opinion, and engagement. Both optimized formats (landscape and square) contributed to increases in KPIs like originality, informative content, and visual appeal.

Key creative adjustments—like removing underperforming elements (e.g., energy labels and URLs) and adding logos and captions—further improved content effectiveness across platforms, including TV, marking a first for 4B’s campaigns.

Ready to drive revenue with
creatives that work?

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Teads’ Neurons AI-powered creative adjustments also led to 4B's digital ads being adapted for TV, a first in their campaigns. “It’s usually the other way around—you start with TV and then adapt to digital. This time, we flipped the script,” Lara recalls.

Simon emphasizes, “Having proof that our Neurons-optimized versions perform better than the original makes all the difference. Clients are impressed, and it’s not just a gut feeling anymore but backed by data.”

Neurons AI Helps Retain Clients & Brings in New Business

Teads’ partnership with Konnex and 4B during l’Atelier sessions, supported by Neurons AI, delivered exceptional results by optimizing existing creative content for maximum impact across multiple channels. Neurons AI recommendations didn’t just help improve the creatives but they also elevated client conversations.

"What I love about Neurons is that it lets us go beyond just managing campaigns,” shared Simon. “We get to talk big-picture strategy with clients, which really helps strengthen those relationships and grow the business. We have clients that are asking for Neurons analyses for every campaign."

Lara highlights, "It's super helpful to finally prove points we've been making for ages—things we've always told clients, like, 'trust us, the logo placement matters.' But now with Neurons, we’ve actually got data to back it up and can present recommendations to clients before final creative decisions are made. Having that kind of proof makes a huge difference, and clients love it. It gives them this 'wow' moment, especially the first time they see it at our l’Atelier sessions.”

As 4B continues to expand its campaigns, they plan to leverage Neurons’ insights in future projects. Simon adds, “With Neurons, we can have more strategic conversations with clients and gain more business by proving that what we do works. It’s a win-win.”

Neurons AI for Video Production

Creating video content isn’t always a smooth ride. There’s usually some scrambling, tight deadlines, or last-minute changes. But that’s where Neurons AI helps, especially during concept development and post-production.

Take the Teads campaign with Konnex and 4B for example: they had to work with existing footage, and Neurons AI helped refine things by analyzing scene cuts, attention spans, and complexity. It’s like having an extra pair of eyes to say, “Hey, this part isn’t grabbing attention—switch it up!”

Neurons AI is extremely useful for optimizing video content, especially during the Concept Development and Post-Production stages.

Besides early concept development stages, Neurons AI also helps during post-production. It helps with editing sequences, sound choices, and even visual effects. Whether it’s an ad for social media or TV, Neurons AI can show you how to get more engagement. You don’t always have the luxury to redo entire shoots, so having Neurons AI and helping agencies step in to say, “Here’s how to make this video better,” is invaluable for creative projects.

Even in big campaigns where brands spend heavily on video content, Neurons AI can make the final product resonate much better with viewers. It helps keep things attention-grabbing and focused, so your message doesn’t get lost.

Ready to improve videos
on the fly?

Book a demo

Improve Your Workflow and Client Relationships with Neurons AI

With Neurons, Lara and Simon’s teams are able to improve campaign performance, and build stronger client relationships but also retain clients and attract new business.

The use of Neurons adds a layer of credibility to their work, and clients are more likely to trust their recommendations. Plus, the ability to make data-driven decisions leads to better creative outputs and a more efficient workflow, allowing them to make optimizations early in the process and adapt quickly to different client needs.

See how Neurons AI can help your team optimize ad creation and performance. Book your demo today!

Teads Improves Client KPIs with AI-Optimized Video & Uses Neurons AI to Secure Recurring Deals and Win New Businesses