
Behavioral Data & Insights in No Time

Get accurate eye-tracking data in seconds with AI, and reveal unique insights into audience attention, cognition & more.

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Trusted by the World’s Biggest Companies

Add Science-Backed Insights to Your Designs

Support & back up creative decisions with behavioral data
Receive actionable customer insights for faster iterations
Compare designs side-by-side & go live with the winner
Learn more about Neurons AI

Get Instant Feedback & Recommendations

Get science-backed AI recommendations to enhance visual impact
See how your visuals stack up against industry benchmarks
Optimize your designs all the way from websites to ads
Learn about Neurons AI

“Our advertisers have really fallen in love with Neurons. With each iteration, we are saving them time and money spent on their campaigns.”

Schibsted Logo
Head of Insights & Effects at Schibsted -

Pernille Vermedal Høgh

World-Class AI Trained on High-Quality Neuroscience Data


Accurate Behavioral Data at Top Speed

Predict customer attention & cognition in seconds. Our AI is trained on high-quality eye-tracking and brain scanning data collected from our studies with the world’s biggest companies.


Actionable Insights to Improve Performance

Get fast and actionable recommendations to improve your images and videos, and know exactly how to move forward with your assets for optimal creative performance.


Tap Into Decades of Neuroscience Research

When using Neurons AI, your are tapping into our training database including over 100,000 participants’ responses we collected over 20+ years of consumer neuroscience research.


Build In-House Creative Expertise

Free up time and resources to experiment more & iterate better with your team. Empower creative teams with behavioral data to make design decisions & set directions with confidence.

Ready to drive revenue with creatives that work?

Get Started


How does Neurons help me with consumer research?
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Neurons provides insights into unconscious reactions to ads, brands, or products that cannot be captured through self-reported measures. With Neurons you can pre-test the effectiveness of new designs like ad campaigns and packaging before launching them in the market.

What kind of data do I get from Neurons?
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Neurons offers actionable insights into customer attention, engagement, and focus. Neurons AI gives you actionable recommendations to enhance creative performance. Our AI is trained on one of the world’s largest consumer neuroscience databases of eye-tracking & brain scanning (EEG) data.

What types of creatives can I test with Neurons?
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You can optimize any image and video to match your desired outcomes with Neurons’ instant predictive analysis. You can also get actionable recommendations on how to improve your assets from ads all the way to websites to maximize their effectiveness.

How can Neurons AI help me?
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Neurons AI gives you actionable recommendations to improve your visuals based on your needs and industry standards. Our AI is trained our world-class database of high-quality eye-tracking, brain scanning, and behavioral data from studies with the world’s biggest companies.