The science behind Neurons

We're using science to help people make better decisions.
Our methods and metrics are built on the latest approaches in cognitive neuroscience, machine learning, and psychology.

Our academic partners

We collaborate with top-tier universities.


High-Quality Neuroscience Database

Our database includes eye-tracking and brain scanning data from over 120,000 participants from the past 20 years. Our ongoing  research keeps our solutions up to date, relevant, and reliable.


Validated Neuromethods & Metrics

Our methods are scientifically validated, reliable, and scalable. Our solutions are based on validation by ourselves & independent groups from studies with the world’s biggest companies.

Machine Learning Meets the Subconscious

Human choice is driven by unconscious processes. We integrate the subconscious into machine learning models to build the world’s only AI model built on consumer neuroscience.

World-Class Predictive & Suggestive AI

Neurons AI has been trained on real human responses to key customer touchpoints, including social media, websites, packaging & more, and can predict customer responses with +95% accuracy.


Years of applied neuroscience experience

Test people

More than 120k people tested wordwide


+100B Data points of brain responses


Trained more than 100+ ML models


Industry-leading predictive AI tool


Years of applied neuroscience experience


Accuracy of
eye tracking AI tool


Data points of
brain responses


Years of applied
neuroscience experience


The ‘4 Powers’ of Top-Performing Ads

Discover the key elements to advertising success with a proven blueprint developed with Stanford University


Getting attention with your ad -
from enough people and for enough time.

  • What do people see in your ad?
  • Are viewers distracted or focused?
  • How much time do they spend on the ad?

Eye-tracking measurements


Triggering positive emotions with an ad that appeals to your viewers.

  • What do people feel when seeing your ad?
  • How emotionally intense is the experience?

Brain-derived and implicit score on engagement and memory


Making sure that your ad and its components are understood.

  • Is your ad easy to understand?
  • Are your customers processing the given information?

Brain-derived and implicit score on comprehension and learning


Making a lasting impression with the ad and its message.

  • How long will people remember your ad after exposure?
  • Does the audience remember which brand the ad was for?

Memory tests after exposure

Principles that drive Science at Neurons


Our methods and metrics are based on scientifically published data.


Our methods reflect natural behavior and actual consumer responses rather than lab environments


Our work is based on validated approaches in neuroscience, machine learning, and psychology.


Our methods and metrics are  predictive of consumer choice and behavior at multiple markets and segments.


Neurons challenges the status quo and turns new ideas into standardized products.


Our methods are reliable in test-retest conditions and across conditions. Each method is well documented.

Ready to drive revenue with creatives that work?

Get Started