
Eye Tracker

Eye Tracker

An eye tracker is a device that measures and records the movement and position of the eyes. It is used in various fields, including psychology, marketing, and user experience (UX) research, to understand visual attention and cognitive processes.

Do Eye Trackers Work?

Yes, eye trackers work by using sensors and cameras to detect and measure the position and movement of the eyes. They accurately capture where and for how long a person looks at different stimuli, providing detailed data on visual attention and behavior. The effectiveness of eye trackers depends on the technology and calibration, but modern eye trackers are highly precise and reliable.

What is the Most Accurate Eye Tracker?

The accuracy of an eye tracker depends on several factors, including the technology used and the specific application. Some of the most accurate eye trackers are known for their high precision and reliability:

  • Tobii Pro Spectrum: Offers high accuracy and precision with a sampling rate up to 600 Hz, suitable for detailed research applications.
  • SR Research EyeLink 1000 Plus: Known for its exceptional accuracy and sampling rate of up to 2000 Hz, making it ideal for high-resolution eye tracking studies.
  • Gazepoint GP3 HD: Provides a balance of accuracy and affordability, with a sampling rate of up to 150 Hz.

These eye trackers are widely used in research and commercial applications due to their reliability and high performance.

Tobii Eye Tracker

Tobii is a leading manufacturer of eye tracking technology, known for its innovative and reliable devices. The Tobii Eye Tracker range includes:

  • Tobii Pro Nano: Compact and portable, suitable for on-the-go research and usability testing.
  • Tobii Pro Fusion: Offers high accuracy and flexibility with a sampling rate up to 250 Hz, ideal for various research applications.
  • Tobii Pro Spectrum: Provides the highest level of accuracy and precision with a sampling rate up to 600 Hz, designed for advanced research.

Tobii eye trackers are known for their ease of use, robust software support, and integration capabilities, making them popular in both academic and commercial settings.

Eye Tracker App

Several apps utilize eye tracking technology to provide insights into visual behavior and user interaction. Some popular eye tracker apps include:

  • GazeRecorder: A software that allows users to record and analyze eye movements using a standard webcam.
  • RealEye: A web-based eye tracking tool that enables remote testing and data collection without the need for specialized hardware.
  • iMotions: A comprehensive software suite that integrates with various eye trackers, including Tobii, to provide detailed analysis and visualization tools.

These apps make eye tracking more accessible and affordable, allowing broader adoption for various applications, from research to marketing.